Here are some of the top online sites right now if you want to view movies on your PC for free without having to download them.

In their spare time, many people like viewing movies, but they don't always feel like going to the cinemas. Unfortunately, since DVD readers are becoming obsolete and the majority of streaming services are expensive, viewing movies on your PC is not always as simple as you would want. There is an option, though: if you know where to search, you may locate websites that provide free movie streaming. Below is a list of the best of them:

Tubi TV

One of the biggest online collections of free movies is that of Tubi TV, which includes titles from renowned companies like MGM, Paramount, and Lionsgate. Although the site claims to have over 48,000 films available, I believe there are only around 20,000 movies in each current cycle. You can quickly locate films like Paranormal Activity or The Usual Suspects, and I'm certain that you'll find a lot more that are well worth viewing.

My personal favourite,, is well-structured, provides a tonne of fresh material in addition to a wide selection of well-liked movies, and best of all, it doesn't need you to go through multiple pages and advertisements in order to see the film you want to watch. This programme also allows you to view TV shows, is often updated, and even has a page where you can request movies if you can't locate the one you want to see.



Act as if you're not astonished; YouTube is a fantastic platform for watching movies, particularly since it functions very well and is much safer than all the other options. In all honesty, you won't find many (read: any) hot new releases, but Google's video platform is a terrific place to start if you're interested in seeing some obscure productions or some classic films.



Vudu's Movies on Us segment was established by Walmart in October and offers free movie streaming. Although the service is ad-supported and mostly offers movies that were released straight to video, you may still get quality films like Legally Blonde or School of Rock. Thankfully, registering an account is completely free. Unfortunately, the website only permits registered users to view movies.



The last provider on our list is Popcornflix, a highly well-liked platform with a large selection of recently released films. The website is rather professionally designed, with the newest additions boldly featured on the front page. It's also a significant bonus that it provides some of the most popular and recent TV series.


There are two additional things you should be aware of before we wrap up. First, it's illegal to download or stream free movies from the internet, so avoid doing that. Second, because these websites don't request payment, you can anticipate a tonne of advertisements to appear all over the place, so you'll need a strong ad blocker. Although it's not perfect, we can't really complain about it since it's free.

About The Author: 

My name is Amish. I have an experienced content writer who has enjoyed writing for a long time. I enjoy writing on various topics and feel satisfaction in spreading my views to others.